Transgender climate justice


Transgender and other marginalised people are amongst those made most vulnerable to the effects of climate breakdown. This workshop aims to explore the interconnections between trans and environmental issues, not just to make our spaces more welcoming, but to build an understanding of common goals and work in solidarity with Trans and Non-binary communities.

Session Aims

  • Introduce new ways of thinking about Sex and Gender.
  • Explore the history of the gender binary as a tool of colonialism.
  • Develop an understanding of how injustices faced by trans people intersect with the causes, impacts, and solutions to the climate crisis

This session lasts approximately 1 hour, and can be delivered online or in-person.


Who is this TALK aimed towards?

This talk is aimed towards progressive organisations, such as charities, social justice groups, and student societies/unions. Whilst the talk is largely intended for cisgender audiences, Trans and Non-binary individuals are also welcome to attend.

Why should you hire a freelance trans educator?

As a freelance educator I am accountable to myself and my community, rather than a charitable organisation or scheme. This gives me the freedom to develop and deliver content that more candidly reflects the issues currently faced by trans people, including my own personal stories. I am not limited by charity guidelines, Key Performance Indicators, or respectability politics.

Another advantage of this is the ability to keep my talk costs comparatively low, as I am only funding myself. All charges go straight back into my work or living costs, helping to finance my advocacy.

Are transphobic individuals welcome?

From my experience, someone who is prejudiced or discriminatory against trans people is unlikely to engage with content delivered by a trans person, and is much more easily challenged on their transphobia by someone who is cisgender, especially someone they know personally.

I always encourage people to ask questions at my talks and workshops, however have found that transphobic attendees often ask inappropriate and abusive questions throughout, causing distress to myself and trans attendees. These questions are rarely relevant to other attendees, taking time and focus away from the content they have come to learn from.

For these reasons, transphobic individuals are not welcome at my workshops or talks.


Our team absolutely loved attending Eddy’s session on Trans Climate Justice. They presented with clarity and creativity, encouraging us to look at the climate crisis through a more nuanced lens.

Georgia Gibson

Greenhouse Communications

Make an Enquiry